

     What is reduce?
Reduce is to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.
Reduce is to bring under control or authority.

  Advantages of reducing

Reducing waste means saving resources. It is beneficial towards society, by allowing people to limit their usage of a certain privilege in order to conserve it for the future. This is usually done effortlessly and doesn't involve any extra equipment or dramatic life changes.

  How to reduce?
  Ways to reduce resources:

Switch to high efficiency fluorescent light bulbs
Use cold water for washing and cooking
Fix leaking taps or pipes to save large amounts of water
Use dual-flush toilets,running washing machines and dishwashers only when full
Turn the tap off while cleaning teeth
Use a control nozzle on the hose when washing the car.

   Even though reduction is not a major deprivation for society, it is not always efficient and many people manage to abuse or fail to follow the responsibility.